For I know the plans I have for you ,declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

10 things I have wanted to do but haven't done -YET

These are in no particular order, just how they popped into my brain. I really had a hard time thinking of things. I guess I don't like to sit and think about things I haven't been able to do, rather be thankful for the things I do get to do. Don't get me wrong, I have my "pitty parties" too, but it is not a state of mind. God has taught me so much in the last 4 years or so. I am so thankful for my life. I have been blessed beyond measure. SO... Why are you posting this you say?? Only because I started this post on a whim and I don't like to leave things hanging (usually) and I am finishing it.

1.Go on a cruise with lots of friends and family

2.Go on a cruise with just Tim

3.Enjoy watching sports as much as Tim does

4.Go on a shopping spree with a $5000 Visa Gift Card

5.Spend the day at a spa with friends

6.Give of my time and money SACRIFICIALLY to others

8.Learn to speak another language fluently

9.Be a stay at home Mom (althogh my work situation works very well for me and the boys)

10.Cook 6 nights in a week so that we only eat out 1 time a week. (I do not know that it will ever happen)

1 comment:


Great goals!!
Comment on #10 - I hope that I can cook ONE night a week. Phil loves to eat out and now that the girls are grown and gone, the only time I use my oven is when I use my microwave to heat up the leftovers I bring home from the restaurants.