For I know the plans I have for you ,declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, February 29, 2008


We have been in the new house for 8 days now. I can't say we are all settled, but settled enough to function without complete chaos.We could not have done it without the help of Tim's parents, my mom and my dad, and our friends. THANK YOU!! We feel so blessed to have such willing and giving people in our lives.

Bailey has made a new friend who just happens to be 70 years young. He looks for him constantly outside to come shoot hoops with him, or just to chat.
Tyler has played outside more in the 8 days we have lived here than the whole 6 years we lived in the apts. They both have adjusted very well. The dog on the other hand, not so much. Tippy is having a hard time. I think he still has not figured out that this is his home now. hopefully he will soon be adjusted.

so.... that's it for now. Nothing else exciting to report. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tuesday's Accomplishments

Oh... let me tell you...... I have the most amazing friends who have hired movers to move us!!!!!! Is that not AWESOME!!!!

I am totally pumped now. What a huge blessing ,and will make the move not so dreaded.

I have Bible Study on Monday nights, packing then.

I packed 7 boxes, (books, books and more books) and Tim cleaned out his half of the chest of drawers in our bedroom.

Completely exciting post huh??? I am not going to continue this packing update blogging like I talked about in the previous post. It is just too boring. Who wants to read that??

My house looks like a train wreck! This will be hard to deal with for the next two weeks, but I can do it.. I think.

Have a happy Wednesday!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hello Blog World


It has been over a month since I have logged in to Blogger. That is crazy! I guess I have just been slack. Reading and "lurking" on other blogs and then no time for my own. I intend to return to blogging. Soon, Soon, Soon.

We will be moving the end of Feb. so I really need to be packing instead of blogging.
I guess we will see which one wins out more often.

I could blog about my progress in packing and cleaning out. Boring for my 2 or 3 readers (HA) but possibly motivating for me.

So today so far.....

Completely cleaned out our bedroom closet (it is quite large and FULL of stuff.
I did put most of the stuff back in the closet but I know now exactly what is in there, and know that it is all going with us.

Sent about 6 bags of stuff to Goodwill

Sent about 4 bags of stuff to the Garbage.

Never knew so much could fit in a closet.

I also cleaned out my Lingerie/ Jewelry Cabinet it is kind of funny that I have a cabinet like that because I own very little of either one of those things.

And lastly I packed every picture and picture frame in this apartment.
So, I guess I should get busy again.
Its good to be back.